Brazil fears BSE claims will taint

16 February 2001

Brazil fears BSE claims will taint

By FWi staff

ATTEMPTS by Brazil to win a greater share of the EU beef market are being threatened by claims associating the country with BSE, reports the Financial Times.

As the worlds third-largest beef exporter, Brazil stands to gain from moves in Brussels to curb beef production in the wake of the continuing BSE crisis.

But the Brazilian industry itself could be threatened by a ban on its beef this month by Canada, the USA and Mexico.

These nations claim that insufficient evidence exists to show that Brazil is BSE-free, to the outrage of Brazilians.

Scientists from the three countries are currently in Brazil evaluating animal health controls in a review of the embargo.

Already this has cost Brazil US$5 million (3.45m) and led to domestic cattle prices falling as much as 10%.

The FT says Brazil fears that the ban, even if temporary, will taint the image of its beef and hit exports which bring the country US$1bn (691m) each year.

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