Brisk demand for NI suckled calves

By FWi staff

NORTHERN Ireland beef producers stirred up a strong trade for suckled calves when a record 875 head were offered at Ballyclare Auction Mart.

Demand was brisk, with heifer calves showing a marked increase in price compared with last year.

The days top call was 750 paid for a first prize winning Charolais steer from D Compton, Cookstown.

The fixture also included a suckled calf show staged by the Northern Ireland Belgian Blue Cattle Club.

Nigel Fleck, Broughshane, Co Antrim, collected the best heifer title. The heifer weighed 380kg and realised 530.

Heading the bullocks was a 274kg entry from Carrigeen Farms, Ballyclare, that sold for 515.


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