British label boosts pork sales

By FWi staff

THE campaign for better labelling of British pork products has resulted in improved sales, according to a survey released yesterday (Tuesday).

Tesco topped the list as the best supermarket for sourcing and labelling British pig meat, according to the research commissioned by the British Pig Association.

Safeway, Waitrose and Marks and Spencer were also noted for their efforts. However, Sainsburys was found to label none of the British pork sold at its delicatessens, while Iceland did not even specify whether its pork was British or not.

“Since our first market assessment in August, there have been significant changes by a number of leading multiple retailers,” said BPA chairman John Godfrey.

“Adsa has achieved a dramatic improvement in the space of a few weeks, to a point where they have moved from no British labels on their pork to 100% identified as home-produced, and also to 100% on delicatessen bacon.”

These results showed a real change of attitude by some supermarkets, said Mr Godfrey, which he attributed to the massive pressure being applied by industry representative organisations and farmers action groups.

“But there is still much work to do,” he said. “The BPA will continue to play a leading role in contacts with supermarket bosses, as part of its campaign on behalf of the UK pig industry.

” It is important that, having persuaded multiple retailers to increase buying and identifying of British pigmeat products, we encourage them to continue with this policy. After all, these British products are produced to the highest standards,” he said.

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