Bull test station plan

6 March 1998

Bull test station plan

A YORKSHIRE farmers plan to establish a new £100,000 bull testing station could help commercial beef producers select terminal sires more accurately.

Pedigree Limousin breeder, Richard Bradley, hopes to test 120 bulls a year at West Moor Farm, Bedale if commercial backers and Objective 5b funding can be secured. A feasibility study has begun and the British Limousin Cattle Society has expressed an interest.

Under Mr Bradleys proposals bulls would enter the station – thought to be the first independently-run bull testing unit of its kind in the UK – at 10 months old and be fed a standardised ration for 20 weeks. Results for liveweight gain, feed conversion, cost/kg gain and muscle scoring would be recorded.

Breeders are expected to pay £200-£250 a bull tested. Performance data would be presented with bulls at pedigree sales in the hope of attracting higher prices. &#42

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