Claire suited to early slot
Claire suited to early slot
WINTER wheat variety Claire has been confirmed as one of the slowest-growing varieties, making it well suited to early drilling, in a nationwide growth stage-monitoring programme run by distributor UAP.
But the variety is more at risk of lodging when sown ultra-early, advises the companys PREDICT service, which ranks varieties in order of time to reach specific stages of growth.
"Similar to Claire is Group 2 wheat Chatsworth and this perhaps gives it an early drilling slot advantage, ahead of its slightly faster developing competitor Solstice," says UAPs Peter Gould.
Access is also slow developing and Richmond can be drilled in mid-September, but only in exposed situations as it can develop quite quickly, he warns.
In the medium-developing bracket, UAP would place Equinox, Solstice and Tanker alongside Class 1 breadmakers Malacca and Hereward.
Soissons, Charger and the hybrid Hyno Seha should not be drilled before mid-October. *