Cleavers spray may be halved
2 May 1997
Cleavers spray may be halved
LOW dose residual autumn herbicide treatment can halve the need for spring sprays against cleavers, confirms the HGCA.
Work by SAC in conjunction with ADAS and DANI matched herbicide dose and programmes to conditions, weed size and crop vigour. They found best control came from a residual low dose diflufenican-based autumn treatment at GS11/12 (one/two leaves) followed by spring fluroxypyr (as in Starane) at GS32 (second node).
In all but poorly competitive crops the fluroxypyr dose can be halved, and at very high yielding sites it could be reduced even further, the report says. The same programme also gave good control of other broad-leaved weeds.n
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