Cup planters gentle touch on chitted spuds

16 February 2001

Cup planters gentle touch on chitted spuds

GENTLER handling of chitted potatoes when they are being planted, is the claim for a new development from Grimme.

The company has now developed a cup planting system which uses a conveyor to take seed to the cup entrance point, but avoids unnecessary rubbing and bruising.

Seed potatoes are conveyed to a small holding tray which has a sensor to halt the conveyor when there is sufficient seed to supply the belted cup feed – and restart it when there is room for more potatoes.

The holding tray, along with the feed cups, is vibrated by an electric motor. This helps to ensure a single seed enters each cup – the tray vibration separates the potatoes and the cup vibration prevents cups holding more than one seed.

The Grimme chitted potato planting system – a first for Ireland – is available in 2, 4 and 6-row systems. &#42

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