Disgust over Dutch spinal cord

24 August 2001

Disgust over Dutch spinal cord

By FWi staff

LIVESTOCK farmers are demanding the closure of two Dutch meat plants after spinal cord was found in imported beef for the second time in a month.

National Farmers Union president Ben Gill said British farmers were disgusted by the finding of banned BSE specified risk material.

It is the second time in weeks that banned material has been found in Dutch meat. A separate incident occurred at another factory earlier in August.

Mr Gill said: “Both Dutch meat plants must be shut down immediately and investigated.

“British farmers continue to be disgusted at the number of breaches of the rules by other European member states.”

He added: “As ever, we continue to encourage people to buy British beef.”

Mr Gill said he was dismayed by the finding but pleased to see that the UKs Food Standards Agency had picked up the problem.


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