Done and dusted
22 August 2001
Done and dusted
“HARVEST is done and dusted,” says Craig Pocklington, who farms at Horton, south-east of Northampton. Yields have generally been disappointing on the clay soil. They finished on Sunday.
Consort first wheat yielded 9.3t/ha (3.75t/acre), with the third wheat yielding 7.4t/ha (3t/acre). “We would normally expect to average 9.1t/ha (3.7t/acre), but last year we averaged 11.1t/ha (4.5t/acre).
Quality is good with specific weights between 75-81Kg/hl. He expects it to make biscuit grade, but he has not had any more analysis.
Spring beans yielded 3.3t/ha (1.35t/acre) which is below the expected 4.9t/ha (2t/acre).
Apex oilseed rape averaged 3.2t/acre (1.3t/acre). Last year they averaged 3.3t/ha (1.35t/acre) and the year before it managed 4t/ha (1.6t/acre).
Some of the wheat crop was not drilled due to weather conditions, and therefore he is growing spring beans instead.
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