Dont rely on autumn grass
Dont rely on autumn grass
CATTLE producers who overestimate the value of autumn grass as a feed will reduce performance of freshly calved and finishing cattle.
Fresh calvers need supplementing to support lactation, says Axient consultant Neil Adams.
"Producers who managed pasture well this summer can be more ambitious with their grass, but many, especially those who cut back on nitrogen this summer, are now running short of grazing."
Cows may be able to get half their dry matter requirements – 6-7kg from grass – the rest must come from winter feeds, he says.
ADAS beef adviser Elwyn Rees agrees that it is a mistake to over-estimate the quality of grass now on farms, especially for finishers.
Many cattle about are becoming scruffy because producers are expecting too much of grass which is of insufficient quality to fatten animals, he says. Even when it looks plentiful, its energy content will be low. Dr Rees advises finishing cattle receive 2kg a head a day of a high energy feed, such as cereals or sugar beet pulp, as a minimum. When more than 3kg a head a day is required, offer two feeds.
He also points out that cattle under increasing stress – be it because it is colder or grass quality is declining – will be at greater risk from grass staggers. In such cases offer a magnesium supplement.