Earmuffs let you stay tuned in despite the noise

25 January 2002

Earmuffs let you stay tuned in despite the noise

TRYING to hear the latest cricket score or football results over loud machinery can be an impossible task with the vast majority of mobile sound systems that are currently available on the market.

The latest addition to Protector Technologies equipment range – a selection of earmuffs fitted with built-in radios – may appeal.

Offered as helmet or head-mounted models, the radio earmuffs can be specified with short, medium and long band wavelengths.

Also available from Protector Technologies is a range of Level Dependent earmuffs that are equipped with microphones and speakers to improve communication in noisy work places.

Designed to work in noise levels over 82dB, the earmuffs can also be operated with a personal CD player (01695-711711 info@proctector-tech.com).

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