Extra 0.5t/ha from strob, claims BASF
Extra 0.5t/ha from strob, claims BASF
AN extra 0.5t/ha yield and the chance to cut to two sprays on all but milling wheat is what growers can expect from BASFs second generation strobilurin fungicide F500 (pyraclostrobin).
"We are talking about an average 0.5t/ha yield increase over Landmark in the field," says fungicide manager Tony Grayburn.
The new strobilurin is the first to have substantial septoria curative activity, giving growers the chance to delay the T2 spray to GS49-55, he says.
That would deliver the desired strob greening effect on the ear, and allow true T3 sprays to be limited to fusarium-targeted triazoles on milling wheats.
Despite F500s curative activity it will still be formulated with epoxiconazole for reliability and resistance reasons. "But the epoxiconazole rate will be low compared to Landmark," notes Mr Grayburn.
Yellow and brown rust activity is comparable with current strobilurins, but more work is needed to determine eyespot activity, he says.
In barley F500s rynchosporium control is on a par with that of trifloxystrobin (Twist) or azoxystrobin (Amistar), but it represents a breakthrough in net blotch control, says Mr Grayburn. "It is better than Amistar and that is the current standard."
Winter barley yield response is typically 0.2-0.3t/ha more than comparable rates of Landmark (kresoxim-methyl + epoxiconazole). In spring barley leaf spotting, or ramularia control is claimed.
Approval for use on winter wheat, winter and spring barley and oats has been applied for. BASF hope to launch F500 in time for next years T1 sprays. *