Families dismiss rural recovery plan

19 October 2001

Families dismiss rural recovery plan

By Adrienne Francis

FAMILY farmers claim the rural recovery plan unveiled by Lord Haskins will do little to help them bounce back after foot-and-mouth.

Pippa Woods, chairwoman of the Family Farmers Association, said: “It doesnt really say a damn thing I cant see whats new.”

Mrs Woods, who runs a 80 hectare (200 acre) farm, criticised the reports recommendation that farmers should be offered free business advice.

“This policy is doing more good to the advisors back pockets than the farmers themselves, she said.

Mrs Woods added: “The lack of joined up thinking in this government is absolutely mind boggling and so illogical.

“Rural prosperity and farming prosperity are two interlinked factors, you cant have rural prosperity without farming prosperity.

“Rural areas are dependant on tourism and farming being reasonably prosperous. If farming businesses are run down, tourism will also suffer.


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