Farmers to debate Scottish independence

Key farming campaigners for and against Scottish independence are to go head to head in a debate next month.

NFU Scotland will host the debate at United Auctions in Stirling on Monday 17 March.

The line-up, which will be confirmed shortly, will feature high profile figures from the Yes Scotland and Better Together campaigns.

Voters will go to the polls in the Scottish independence referendum on 18 September.

In the run-up to the referendum, NFUS parliamentary officer Claire Slipper said the debate would offer a chance for those on either side to put their cards on the table.

She added: “As the date of the referendum draws nearer, it is now more important than ever that our members gain a perspective on the arguments at play in the debate in order to make an informed decision in September.

“We are positive that this event will stimulate a new and dynamic agricultural perspective in the debate over Scotland’s constitutional future, and are delighted to be hosting this event.”

The debate, which will be chaired by NFUS president Nigel Miller, will be a prime opportunity for union members to ask questions and find out answers which will influence their vote.

Add your views to our forum – Scottish independence – right or wrong for farming?

The evening will begin at 7pm, when speakers will give an overview of their position of what will happen in the event that Scotland either becomes independent or stays as part of the UK.

A debate surrounding agriculture and how the future of farming would be affected will follow.

As well as leading politicians, there will also be two speakers from the farming community from either side of the debate who will take to the podium. To finish there will be questions taken from the floor.

The final line up of speaks and details on how NFU Scotland members can obtain tickets to attend will be confirmed shortly.

See also Scottish independence Paper gives farming priority )

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