Farm work on the Net
25 April 2000
Farm work on the Net
YOU may or may not remember me writing here a few months ago about how hard it is for people to find work (Young people in farming, FWi Open Forum, 07 December, 1999). Well, I thought I would try and do something constructive about it.
The fact is that the jobs are still there in the industry, you only need to look down the situations vacant section of any of the farming press to see that people are still needed. In fact, there are even more jobs than
that, but many are never advertised.
Ive set up a website at where people looking for work in the agricultural industry can post their profiles and people looking for workers can look through the profiles for the ideal person to
fit their needs. Its all free for both the workers and the employers, so theres no excuse for not giving it a try.
The site has only been up and running a week so obviously there arent many profiles there yet, but if people get behind this site and make the most of it I think it could be useful for all concerned!
Please get in
contact if I can be of any help at all and well see if we cant make a difference!
David Lawson, Loughborough University