Farmers Ferrys fine – but forget Farmers Fresh
19 July 2000
Farmers Ferrys fine – but forget Farmers Fresh
FARMERS FERRY is in a strong position with respect to exporting sheep, having virtually 100% of the cross-Channel ferry market for live sheep, and would appear to be a good investment.
Farmers Fresh – the re-opened abattoir business in the Midlands – is another kettle of fish (or sheep).
It has taken a lot of cash from Farmers Ferry and other parts of the company to open up the abattoir – and this money is at risk if the recent lairage extension to the abattoir has to be pulled down.
I ubderstand planning permission has been refused and the Secretary of State must overrule the local decision and Green Belt Policy to prevent the impending Enforcement Notice from ordering the extension to be dismantled.
Investors in Farmers First only have until 6 August to decide on the risks – and there is no way that the refusal of planning permission can be overturned by that date.
Andrew Evans, Redditch, Worcestershire