Finished cattle down by 2p/kg
By FWi staff
PRICES for finished heifers and young bulls fell by almost 2p/kg at auctions across England and Wales on Monday, according to the Meat and Livestock Commission.
Statistics from a sample of 45 auctions gave an overall average heifer price of 87.44p/kg, down 1.96p/kg on the previous week.
This was mainly due to a fall of 4.69p/kg in the value of heavy heifers, which sold for 85.31p/kg. Light heifers gained in price by 2.29p to 88.44p/kg. Medium heifers were only slightly more expensive than last week, rising 0.21p to 89.43p/kg.
The overall average price for young bulls was down 1.71p to 91.23p/kg. A 2.12p/kg rise in light animals to 90.50p/kg failed to offset a 2.94p drop in medium weight bulls of 92.21p/kg. Heavy bulls eased by 0.69p to 89.69p/kg.
Steers maintained an overall average price of 90.46p/kg – similar to last week. Light steers eased by 0.82p to 88.71p/kg. Medium and heavy steers both gained 0.14p to 90.72p/kg and 90.50p/kg respectively.