Flock health plan advice
Flock health plan advice
THERE are financial benefits to gain from a flock health plan, but they are difficult to judge, according to Yorks vet Neil Spedding.
Speaking at a North Sheep seminar, he said that benefits are best measured in terms of lambs born, lambs reared and culling rates.
"Completing flock health plans pose a challenge, but they can help with job satisfaction and are requ-ired by farm assurance schemes."
For any health plan to be successful he believes it must include an analysis of past performance, future objectives, an assessment of stock for disease and mineral deficiency and a disease control programme. Then it is essential to plan a recording system and set targets. All this must be agreed by the vet and producer.
Regular vet visits, farm records and vet reports following visits are vital for success. "Less disease means higher profitability."
The winner of the North Sheep 2000 shearing competition was Peter Smith from Yorks, with Andrew Percy also from Yorks in reserve.