French cereals event beckons showless Brits

1 June 2001

French cereals event beckons showless Brits

MISSING your local shows? Feel the need for a fix of new technology and agronomy? Or just fancy a quick Busmans break? Why not head down to Boigneville, about 50 miles south of Paris, for Les Culturales later this month.

The show is the French equivalent of the UKs Cereals event, organised by Frances Technical Institute for Cereals and Forage (ITCF). Over 100 exhibitors will be there, plus ITCFs own technicians relaying the latest advances in Gallic-agronomy for wheat, barley, oilseeds and pulses.

While presenters will mainly work in French, each will make one address in English each morning, and again in the afternoon, says ITCFs Luc Lescar. "Most are able to discuss topics in English, but obviously their time will be limited."

Spraying and spreading technology, environmental protection, information technology and precision farming techniques will be on view. Visitors can also see the long-term soil structure effects of ploughing, min-till or direct-drilling on one of ITCFs fields.

"The trial has been going for 31 years, either continuous wheat or a wheat/maize rotation."

France is also stepping aboard the assurance train with specific schemes designed by ITCF for milling wheat, durum wheat and malting barley. "We are a little behind you," says Mr Lescar. But how fast are they catching up?

The International Village areas will give visitors a chance to gauge world wheat competition with Australian, Argentinian, US and Canadian representatives available.

Mr Lescar reassures UK growers that they neednt worry about receiving a hostile reception in light of foot-and-mouth or fievre aphteuse as the French would say. "British visitors will be very welcome. There are no animals in this area."

Les Culturales takes place on June 13 and 14. Entry is free to international visitors. Contact Mr Lescar (0033-1649 92244, e-mail or for further details. &#42

With the UKs Cereals 2001 event cancelled could a trip to the French ITCF equivalent south of Paris be worthwhile?

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