FWseeks a student who can turn out a column
FWseeks a student who can turn out a column
Farmers weekly is offering one lucky student the chance to write a monthly column for the magazine and earn some cash in the process.
Yes, we want someone who can provide a true-to-life, warts-and-all portrayal of student life. We want the column to reflect the highs and lows of student life nowadays.
To enter the competition – full details of which were in Farmlife on Sept 7 – send us a 350-word article about your experiences over the first few weeks of this academic year.
It doesnt matter whether youre a fresher or further into your studies, it doesnt matter whether youre at agricultural college or not. What we want is someone who can provide an informative, readable and entertaining insight into student life. The writer of the best entry will be asked to provide a monthly column for the rest of the academic year and will be paid £50 for each one published.
Entries to arrive by Oct 31. Send typed entries to College Calendar, farmers weekly, Quadrant House, the Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS or e-mail tim.relf@rbi.co.uk