Get cattle passport forms in now, urges Rooker
10 September 1998
Get cattle passport forms in now, urges Rooker
By FW Staff
JUNIOR farm minister Jeff Rooker has urged farmers to ensure cattle passport applications are submitted on time after the national computerised database is launched on 28 September.
“The deadline for applying for cattle passports is coming down to 15 days from tagging, which means a maximum of 45 days from the birth of the calf,” Mr Rooker said.
“Following a recent consultation with the industry, I know there is widespread concern about this shorter deadline. I cannot change the 15-day rule, which is set out in European legislation.
“But I have agreed a technical amendment to UK tagging rules which will mean that both dairy and beef farmers should be subject to the same maximum period for submitting passport applications of 45 days from birth.”