Gill and Pexton go for union top job

14 November 1997

Gill and Pexton go for union top job

BEN Gill and Tony Pexton, currently the NFUs two deputy presidents, have both said they plan to run for the top job when Sir David Naish stands down as president in February.

Neither has been formally nominated so far, but the majority of the NFU county branches and executives have yet to meet to decide on which candidates to propose.

Three nominations have been forwarded for deputy president. Hampshire NFU decided to back Hugh Oliver-Bellasis, chairman of the unions food policy group, and less favoured areas committee chairman Tim Bennett for the two posts. Welsh NFU council chairman John Lloyd Jones has also been proposed.

Nominations for the president and deputies must be submitted to NFU secretary Alan Roberts by Jan 4, 1998.

While any union member can put forward a candidate, only council delegates are entitled to take part in the vote at the AGM on Feb 4 in London.

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