GM crops must be tested for safety

15 May 2000

GM crops must be tested for safety

WE are three agricultural students at the Genech Institute in northern France.

We were very interested to read the letter from Jay Crone of Iowa (“Whats so wrong with GMOs?”, FWi Open Forum) because we feel directly concerned by this debate.

Unfortunately, we dont share Mr Crones point of view. We cannot make decisions regarding the safety of GM crops without proper testing.

What we need to know at the moment is exactly how each individual case has been tested and the results that have been given so far. In fact, we dont have enough information
about the consequences of growing GM crops widely.

We are far from convinced that GM crops are natural products, because GMOs come from crops which have received a lot of chemical treatments. Moreover, GM crops will probably kill some insects and by this way destroy the food chain.

But, fortunately, we have found some positive points. In fact, GM crops will probably be the best solution to feed all the world if the population increases very fast or we have to use less pesticides, for instance.

We could certainly like to have your opinion on our way of looking at the issue you raised.

Christelle, Anne-Laure and Pauline, Genech Institute, Picardy, France

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