Grain harvest up, but price down
11 September 1998
Grain harvest up, but price down
FARMERS have reaped a larger harvest than expected this year, and the quality of the grain is better too, according to the Dalgety Groups annual harvest review of more than 1000 sample farms.
But the downside is that arable farmers can expect far lower prices than last year for lower-quality grain.
The review reckons farmers have produced a total of 25.78 million tons of grain this year, slightly up on last years 23.53 million. Most of the increase is in wheat.
But prices will suffer. Feed wheat is currently selling for £66-£68/t, compared with £77/t last year.
- Dalgety predicts second-biggest wheat harvest ever, FWi, yesterday (10 September, 1998)
- Dalgety reports wheat success for 1998, FWi Markets, yesterday (10 September, 1998)
- Day-by-day grain trading
- Latest grain prices, updated weekly
- The Daily Telegraph 11/09/98 page 14
- The Herald 11/09/98 page 28
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