Grain market update

22 August 1997

Grain market update

Thursdays trading – 21 August 1997

EARLY strength in Sterling saw futures drift down £0.90 in the morning session, but a fall of DM0.03 over lunch brought a slight rally in the afternoon session to finish a mere £0.35 down on the day. Spot wheat was still valued at £80/t ex-farm, with barley still at around £70/t ex-farm.

Early indications are of lower-than average-yields, 0.5t/acre down, which would indicate a crop of around 14.5 million tonnes – down from 16.2m tonnes. We must be careful in assuming lower production will cause higher prices, as we are missing spot business due to Danish wheat valued at £80 FOB. against UK at £86 FOB.

French low-quality wheat is also finding traditional UK homes into Holland, and reports of low UK quality wheat in the Mediterranean will make buyers cautious. Reports that two, 25000t vessels have been bought back by UK shippers will also limit the upside of UK wheat in the spot market.

Chicago finished higher following the almost limit up rally in corn and the USDA weekly export sales figures of 750,000t were above the expectations of 500,000t.

  • £1=DM 2.915 / FFr 9.820 / $ 1.590
  • French FOB spot wheat value: FFr 887.00 (£ 90.32)
  • Chicago September wheat at close: $ 3.68 (£ 83.32)
  • Prices at yesterdays wheat futures close:

MONTH Close Change
JUL 0.00 0.00
SEP 81.10 -0.35
NOV 87.75 -0.35
JAN 89.75 -0.35
MAR 91.75 -0.35
MAY 93.75 -0.35

Information provided by BDR Agriculture Ltd, Harvest House, 64 North Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9AJ– click here for further details

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