Happy to be dogsbody?OK

19 January 2001

Happy to be dogsbody?OK

IN reply to Mrs Emma Majors letter (Farmlife Dec 22), it is seldom that I have felt so incensed by anyones attitude as to feel I had to reply.

I too have worked alongside my husband of almost 27 years, and am still sticking it out. But to be honest with you, if we could have afforded help of the paid variety and I had gained some better qualifications when in my teens, I would have been far better off bringing in a good pay packet.

Mrs Major was born 50 years too late. Slavery went out years ago.

The attack upon Janet Godfrey is shameful – what happened to everyones rights to follow and go their own chosen route in life? If Mrs Godfreys husband backs the good lady in what she is obviously very good at, why should she be made to feel guilty that she was not at home for every meal time?

The excellent promotional work that Mrs Godfrey and her fellow members of the WFU are trying to achieve should be given all the help we can muster. She is promoting understanding of the way of life in the countryside to as many schools and young people as she and her group are able to reach.

They also go and lobby at supermarkets whenever possible to prevent foreign imports swamping our stores in the hope of getting a fair deal for all farmers.

I have a friend who is married to a farmer. She was brought up on a farm and has done her bit to contribute to the family farm by bringing in a good income so they can all enjoy a better lifestyle. I am sure we are more alive and interesting people for going out into the community and having interests other than running about after a grown man. If Mrs Major is happy to be a dogsbody, then good luck to her. I dont begrudge her her choice, but she shouldnt put the rest of us down who do not subscribe to her thinking.

Margaret Gratton,

The Grange, Cadney, Brigg, North Lincolnshire.

Hampshire contact leader Sue Silvester (left) has relinquished her

post and to mark the occasion she was presented with a

beautifully engraved glass bowl and some flowers by Ann Walho.

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