HGCAs fresh focus

16 June 2000

HGCAs fresh focus

BETTER communication to ensure more effective dissemination of information to levy payers is a key ingredient of the latest Home-Grown Cereals Authority business plan.

Many farmers remain unaware of HGCA findings, or do not recognise its source.

"As part of our drive to become more customer-focused, we asked levy-paying growers and processors which areas of production were of most interest to them," says chief executive Paul Biscoe. "We then designed communications around those subjects and will provide information to the industry under five campaign headings."

These include planning, production, storage and selling, buying and processing as well as safe, wholesome food.

About £11.5m of levy payers money will be spent in the 12 months to June 30 2001, a rise of £327,000 on the year. This will fund research and development and market information, as well as activities to communicate the findings more effectively.

The spend is about £1m more than the HGCA will receive through levy payments. This reflects its policy to reduce gradually the £3.8m surplus expected to be carried forward from the 2000 accounts, which should ensure that farmer levies, currently 40p/t for cereals and 65p/t for oilseeds, remain unchanged for the next three to four years. &#42

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