Huge variation in yield

6 September 2001

Huge variation in yield

WHEAT harvest is over for Robert Campbell, but it has been very varied. "There is places where it has yielded nothing and other places where it has yielded 8t/ha and more." The farm, at Stokesley near Middlesborough has soil ranging from clay to sand.

Claire and Consort have been the main varieties. Overall he describes the yield; "it is better than expected because in some places we expected no yield and these areas have produced some crop."

The protein has varied from 10.5-12.5%, and the specific weight from 72-76Kg/hl. The Hagberg is within specification. Some of the crop has been accepted for biscuit wheat.

They are now combining spring barley. They do not normally grow it but were forced into it because of autumn drilling conditions.

"It has been a difficult harvest. The forecast has been wrong a lot of the time and that has made it hard to plan. We have combined wheat up to 20% down to 16%. This is not really a true reading as there have been a lot of green grains which ruin the sample."

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