Hunt campaign set for No 10

5 January 2001

Hunt campaign set for No 10

MORE than 10,500 pledges of support for our campaign Hands Off Hunting, Mr Blair are being delivered to 10 Downing Street this morning (Fri).

FARMERS WEEKLY Editor Stephen Howe and Horse and Hound Editor Arnold Garvey will deliver the signatures in person to the Prime Minister.

"Im so proud that the readers of both magazines have sent such an unequivocal message to Tony Blair: Respect country rights and let people make up their own minds about hunting with hounds," said Stephen Howe.

Never before have the readers of two magazines FARMERS WEEKLY and Horse and Hound come together to protest about the prospects of a ban on hunting, he added.

Meanwhile, the Countryside Alliance reports that plans for its march in London on Mar 18 are going well. A spokeswoman said a wide variety of people had already signed up to join. "Support from farmers is huge and growing," she said. "Young Farmers clubs have already cancelled meetings to accommodate the date and are starting to book their buses." Other interest groups also look like they will be out in force. "Support from the shooting community is noticeably greater than last time," she said.

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