uHEALTH and Safety Executive officials have repeated warnings for people to take care when disinfecting premises after foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks. Linda Williams, chief agricultural inspector, said that people should not climb on to roofs unless completely sure that the surface was safe to stand on.
uGOVERNMENT aid worth £10m has been pledged to English Nature to help it improve public access and information about National Nature Reserves and Sites of Special Scientific Interest. The money, which will be on stream from 2002, will be targeted in three specific areas including improving the conservation value and accessibility of SSSIs. One of the goals is to remove old planning permissions which have not yet expired from sites to stop them from being destroyed in the future.
uAIR Commodore Simon Bostock has been elected chairman of the Moorland Association replacing Sir Anthony Milbank, who has held the position for the past 15 years. Mr Bostock had previously been the associations representative on the National Countryside Access Forum as well as its area representative for moors in the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beaty (AONB). He has been involved with the association since retiring from the Royal Air Force in 1996. *