Increasing N accuracy
Increasing N accuracy
LIQUID nitrogen applied with greater accuracy to grassland, is the claim for the application system now available from Omex. The companys spoke wheel injection system places "nests" of fertiliser in the rooting zone of the crop – a position which is claimed to improve N efficiency and fertiliser response.
Omex points out that traditional use of liquid fertiliser placement on grassland has diminished due to difficulties associated with conventional knife injection. It claims the spoke wheel system has now revitalised interest in grassland and maize injection.
The system is based on a rotating wheel having individual probes through which fertiliser is metered at the point when the probe is at its lowest point – in the ground. Root disturbance is minimised.
Other advantages, says Omex, include an ability to apply Aqueous N in early in the season to provide the entire nitrogen requirement for the season in one hit. Pastures are also aerated at the same time.
With the fertiliser placed below the surface applications can also be made when pastures are being grazed, scorch is eliminated and there are no concerns about weather conditions.
Omex offers a contractor applied service – the first machine operates in the West Midlands area. *