Integrated approach to those pests
Integrated approach to those pests
GROWERS should adopt an integrated approach to pest management in store, says Actellic (pirimiphos methyl) manufacturer Zeneca.
Ensuring stores are clean, and that grain is quickly cooled and dried are the first steps to pest control, says insecticides technical manager Tanya Wright.
Pest activity should be monitored and Actellic only applied directly to grain when infestation occurs. "One of the things farmers need to think about first is planning their method of storage, making sure that a particular store is clean."
Dust can be vacuumed and burnt, destroying any bugs with it. Then store walls and floors can be sprayed with liquid Actellic. Smoke generators will help dislodge pests from inaccessible areas prior to liquid applications, she suggests.
Treating grain at intake is only advised if sampling reveals the presence of pests.
"Farmers are now more aware of the need to manage grain and treat only when necessary. Usually grain doesnt get treated unless its rejected," says Ms Wright.
Drying and cooling cuts pests ability to reproduce, while sampling and monitoring in store will highlight pest presence, allowing early action.
However, if pests are detected, the whole bulk does need to be treated at the recommended rate if complete control is to be assured, she says.
Liquid or dust Actellic can be used, and accurate applicators are now available that adjust dosage according to throughput. Applications made are automatically recorded.
While there is no withdrawal period for the product, growers should be aware that in the cooler winter months it may take 7-10 days for the product to work, and until that time pest activity may still be detected. "This is all part of an integrated approach," says Ms Wright.
• Clean store.
• Burn dust.
• Treat walls and floor.
• Dry and cool grain quickly.
• Sample and monitor.
• Treat ONLY if pests detected.