STRUGGLING to make the best of poor quality grass and maize silage this winter? Then you are certainly not alone.
Its been a tough year for forages, with wet weather throughout the year conspiring to make silaging difficult, if not impossible, in many areas. And besides that, poor quality, half-filled clamps have added to concerns.
Eking out what forage is in store is not easy, particularly if youre relying on it for spring calving herds or lambing flocks, but it will be a necessary evil this spring.
Lets hope that lightning cant – and wont – strike twice. With little extra forage left in store, many producers have to ensure this years silage cut is plentiful and top quality.
But where conditions are difficult, using an additive can help – and its certainly a good insurance policy. This guide, produced in association with UKASTAs Forage Additive Approval Scheme, should help you choose the most appropriate product for your situation and requirements.
At first glance, the choice can seem confusing, but this guide should help you identify the key features you are after – whether its aerobic stability in the clamp or better milk yields, or both – and should help you pick the best additive for use on your silage this season.
In such hard times, spending £1-1.50/t on an additive can seem expensive. But, if it helps ensure top quality forage for your herd or flock next winter, then its surely money worth spending?