Its patently cheaper
Its patently cheaper
INVENTIVE farmers – and there are many – will be pleased to know that the Patent Office is due to abolish the application fee for patents from Oct 1, a saving of £25.
More significant perhaps, is a cut in the cost of the trade mark application fee from £225 to £200, a cut in trade mark registration renewal from £250 to £200 and cuts in patent renewal fees by an average of 18%.
These latter cost reductions will benefit companies and individuals when a product is still in its development phase – a time when there has been little if any return on the capital invested.
Details of the fee reductions are available from the Patent Office Web site at Further information can be obtained from the Stationery Office Bookshops and from the Patent Office, Cardiff Rd, Newport, South Wales NP9 1RH.
Titles include The Trade marks (Fees) Rules 1998 (£1.10), The Registered Designs (Fees) Rules 1998 (£1.10), and The Patents (Fees) Rules 1998 (£1.95). *