Lucille should see big rise in lupin plantings
Lucille should see big rise in lupin plantings
PLANTINGS of protein rich lupins should be up to 1600ha (4000 acres) this autumn following development of a new determinate variety, says Rothamsteds Ian Shield.
"Problems of indeterminate growth habitat associated with the 1980s have now been overcome with new variety Lucille, recently passed for C1 by NIAB," says Dr Shield.
"This variety demonstrates very good, consistent yield from a plant with one stem and one set of branches off that stem."
High protein (38-40%) and good oil content (10-12%) mean feed values compare favourably with soya, while yields of 3.75t/ha (1.5t/acre) suggest a reasonable gross margin.
Agronomy of the crop requires careful management but not special treatment. Key to getting it right is sowing date, says Dr Shield.
"This is the most crucial thing with the crop. Sow at the wrong time and youre on to a loser."
To withstand the first harsh frosts of winter crops should be in by the second half of September, earlier in the north and later in the south-west. Any earlier and surplus branches develop.
Management of broadleaved weeds and rusts are achievable using conventional chemicals, he says.
"Most of the herbicides required are pre-emergence, you must get them on and dont skimp on the second treatment," warns Dr Shield.
"The only real disease that consistently turns up on the plant is a rust, and there are several fungicides which control that well," he adds.
Soil pH should be no higher than 7 and slug damage limited by fine firm seed-beds.
With such good feed value, growers should expect harvested crop values to be at a premium to pea and bean prices, concludes Dr Shield.
New winter lupin varieties capable of 3.75t/ha yields could be drilled across 1600ha in the UKnext year, says IACRRotham-
steds Ian Shield.