MAFF draws up post-virus blueprint

6 June 2001

MAFF draws up post-virus blueprint

By FWi staff

MINISTRY of Agriculture officials are drawing up a blueprint for a new farming industry with a shrinking livestock sector, reports the Financial Times.

Whoever takes over the agriculture portfolio after the general election will embark on a major revamp, once foot-and-mouth is finally laid to rest, it claims.

“Agriculture in the UK will never be the same again,” an official told the newspaper.

Livestock numbers will be cut in the face of a surplus and the loss of export markets. Efforts will also be made to improve quality.

While MAFF has denied that it will embark on a massive cull after the election and strip quota, it does want some farmers to restock at lower levels.

The newspaper says MAFF plans to help farmers leave the industry, boost alternative rural businesses and look at the prospects offered by energy crops.


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