Maize growth needs a boost
Maize growth needs a boost
WITH many maize crops slow to grow this summer producers who can still drive through crops might consider using a growth stimulant, says Salisbury-based seed merchant David Bright.
"When maize crops are not growing 4-5in a day they need something to kickstart growth," says Mr Bright, who has found Altechs Grainset beneficial.
One producer who has used Grainset is Isle of Wight-based farm manger Phil Tosdedin. "Grainset helps to produce a uniform crop and encourages cob development in stunted crops," says Mr Tosdedin. *
Routine maintenance… Contract shepherd Geoff Rogerson separates Mule ewes and Suffolk-cross lambs for routine footbathing, dagging and shearing at Robert Eayrs Priory Farm, near Oakham, Rutland. Scald seems to be a particular problem for lambs this year because of excess grass and under-stocked units, says Mr Rogerson. He hopes footbathing lambs with formaldehyde every three to four weeks will control the problem this summer.