Mash wrestling makes UK debut
Mash wrestling makes UK debut
MEMBERS of the public are being invited to wrestle in a pool of mashed potato as part of a campaign launched by the British Potato Council.
The "sport" made its UK debut at the Hoop and Grapes pub in Londons Farringdon Street on Monday (Oct 9). Contestants wrestled in a "ring" made from hay-bales and tarpaulin filled with mountains of moist mash made from reject potato flakes.
North American
Mashed potato wrestling is an annual event in North America, particularly in the main potato-growing states of the USA – Ohio, South Dakota and Minnesota – where contenders vie for the title of Potato Champ. In the UK, fixtures are planned for Southampton, Bristol, Nottingham, Newcastle and Glasgow.
The British event is part of the BPCs Dig Potatoes campaign, and marks the start of the autumn season for home-grown potatoes. The mash is made from potato flakes past their sell-by date or floor sweepings. The leftover mixture can be sent for animal feed.
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