Meatlinc woos auction marts

18 May 2001

Meatlinc woos auction marts

AUCTION markets are being encouraged to play an active part in selling Meatlinc breeding sheep this summer, even though foot-and-mouth restrictions have prevented many of them from operating.

Henry Fell, chief executive of the Meatlinc Sheep Company, says Meatlinc rams have traditionally been sold direct to customers from any of its four breeding farms.

"Having built up confidence that these rams will perform up to their reputation, many are now bought unseen over the phone. We have many years experience of selling rams in this way."

Mr Fell says that some farmers want to buy and use Meatlinc rams this summer and the breed intends to do its utmost to make this possible. Its normal customers will receive information about available rams, but Mr Fell hopes that auction marts will help as well.

"We are making the following suggestions to marts. They should set up a brokering service to sell breeding sheep and cattle. We would want to play a leading part in this.

"We will supply a list of rams for sale, each with its own performance figures. In addition, where interest is expressed, we will supply digital photos via e-mail."

Meatlinc rams are normally sold at a fixed price ex-farm, which is derived from an animals estimated breeding values. &#42

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