Milk protest – plea from the front line

16 February 2001

Milk protest – plea from the front line

MYSELF and many other very concerned dairy farmers have been protesting outside the Davidstowe cheese factory.

Dairy farmers, cake reps and other salespersons attended to lend their support, and they know the dire straits the industry is in as well as us, the producers.

Behaviour of all those present have, if I say so myself, have been impeccable.

Everyone present knows that without a substantial price increase for our milk, there wont be any future for any of us.

We have tightened our belts and saved costs far as we can go. It is up to Dairy Crest and the other dairycompanies to come up with this increase as we cant afford to lose this fight for a fair cut of the milk price in the shop.

Without it, none of us will survive, including the dairy companies, as they wont have any milk to process unless they import it.

Milk production has never been lower in recent history. They are importing milk for 23pplplus delivery; spot price is anywhere from 27p to 28ppl.

We feel this must justify our case for a increase now while there is still hope of a future in this industry.

MI Harvey, Newlyn, Cornwall

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