Muck rated too highly

16 June 2000

Muck rated too highly

RESULTS from a competition which challenged farmers to guess the quality and quantity of muck in a spreader have shown many farmers overestimate the nutritive values and weight of manure.

The competition involved 200 people who attended ADAS open days in Staffs and Yorks. The weight of farm yard manure and sewage sludge in spreaders was overestimated by 40% and 60%, respectively. While 66% of people realised that on a list of organic manures turkey litter contained the most nitrogen and cattle manure the least, 60% were confused about the relative strengths of sewage cake and FYM.

ADAS soil scientist Ken Smith said the exercise identified the need for people who wanted to get optimum financial benefit from using manures to put a few loads on a weighbridge. &#42

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