National Lottery grants pigs 220,000 for en-suite pig-sty
28 August 1998
National Lottery grants pigs £220,000 for en-suite pig-sty
THE National Lottery is contributing £200,000 to pigs on a farm near Sheffield can each have an en-suite pig-sty.
The sties will come equipped with showers to cool the pigs down, computers to regulate light and operate curtains to increase or decrease ventilation.
A nursery unit will allow piglets to stay with their mothers and any rejected offspring will be placed in a unit that will provide automatic feeding.
The special unit at Whirlow Hill Farm was given permission by planners, despite objections from local people. Those opposing the scheme said the money would be better spent on homeless people.
But the local authority allowed the project to go ahead because the farm is owned by a charity and used as an educational centre to provide disabled inner-city children with an introduction to country life.
- The Times 28/08/98 page 9