New deadline for Scots hill claims

26 January 2001

New deadline for Scots hill claims

By Shelley Wright

THE deadline for claims under the new area-based scheme for less-favoured areas has been extended in Scotland by a fortnight to 02 February.

The extension was issued after more than a quarter of eligible producers failed to meet the original 19 January closing date for the 63.4-million scheme.

Of 13,500 forms sent by the Scottish Executive to producers who previously claimed Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowances, only 10,000 were returned.

That prompted Scottish agriculture minister Ross Finnie to announced that the period for applications would be extended without penalty.

Claims received after that date will be accepted up to 27 February, but will be subject to a penalty of 1% for every day they are late.

No claims will be accepted after 27 February.

“It appears that a substantial number of producers failed to submit claims to this scheme by the original closing date,” Mr Finnie said.

“Because the scheme, so important to Scotlands hill livestock farmers and crofters, is new, I have decided, exceptionally, to extend the claim period.”

The Ministry of Agriculture said the scheme was being carried out differently in England where producers have until 15 May to return forms.

Producers who wanted to claim the hill payments could submit their forms alongside their IACS area aid application which must be in by 15 May.

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