New directory helps you reach right decisions
New directory helps you reach right decisions
A NEW up-to-date guide to modern fertilisers has been launched to support decision-making.
The Fertiliser Directory has been designed to provide users with all the information they need on fertilisers in an easily accessible form, says author, Ian Richards.
"Effective fertiliser use is a key to farm profits, and about half the output of crops and intensively managed grassland is generated by fertiliser application.
"The importance of decisions on crop nutrition and the need for accurate, efficient use of fertilisers is now recognised in recommendation systems from DEFRAs RB209 to the latest precision farming techniques.
"Despite this, general knowledge of fertilisers, and of the nutrient sources they contain, is sometimes less good than it should be. Fertiliser materials vary in terms of nutrients, solubility, speed of action and physical form, so good technical information is essential for decision-making. At the same time, this information has to be easy to understand and free of jargon."
The new ring-bound directory describes 70 fertiliser materials, ranging from ammonium nitrate through rock phosphates to trace element sources. For each there is information on concentration, chemical nature of nutrients, solubility, physical form, and agronomic effectiveness.
Other sections cover liming materials, listing 14 sources, product declarations, regulations and directives relating to fertiliser use.
There are separate pages for each of the 13 plant nutrients showing suitable fertiliser sources, the chemical form taken up by plants and notes on use.
The Fertiliser Directory is aimed at farmers and advisers and is intended to complement RB209.
It costs £29.50 + £2.50 p& p from Context Publications, tel 01530-411337 or fax 01530-411289. *