NFU council backs shake-up

09 December 1998

NFU council backs shake-up

By FWi staff

THE National Farmers Union has moved a step closer to greater accountability by rubber-stamping plans to radically shake up its election procedures.

NFU councillors in London today (Wednesday) accepted more than 40 recommendations to modernise the union.

The aim of the reforms is to encourage more grassroots farmers to take part in union activities, and increase the influence of those farmers in NFU policy-making.

The proposals include a one-member one-vote system of electing office holders, to allow all 70,000 full members to vote for candidates standing for election.

If all goes well, the one-member one-system voting system will come into effect in 2000.

Other proposed changes are designed to ensure that ordinary regional NFU meetings allow a speedy response to issues affecting farmers.

“We are faced with a greater number of consultations which need responses within a much shorter time span,” said NFU president Ben Gill.

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