1 June 2001


THE annual Cereals event presents arable producers with a unique opportunity to gather business, research and product information – an opportunity that will be sadly missed this year.

However, for arable farmers the autumn offers another targeted business event – Grain 2001 on November 21/22 at the NAC, Stoneleigh, Warks.

With post-harvest technology at its core, the event is unrivalled in Europe and covers all aspects of grain handling, cleaning, drying and storage.

This year the Royal Agricultural Society of England is aiming to expand the event to encompass agronomic advice and current research, to give arable farmers a comprehensive event.

There is no doubt that the recent foot-and-mouth crisis will have far-reaching implications for the future of agriculture and food production. The RASE is determined to help the industry examine the implications of the inevitable changes, to look forward and to help producers position their businesses for the future.

To kick-start this we are staging a high-profile business event on December 5/6 at Stoneleigh to unite all sectors of the farming industry. This exhibition – AgriVision – focusing on farmings future, will give a boost to the industry and provide a forum for British agriculture and food production.

AgriVision will be a first step towards uniting UK agriculturists in the common strategy to rebuild and revitalise the industry – to produce quality food, maintain reliability of supply and to overcome the threat of cheap imports.

The event will create a platform to plan for the future. It will fly the British flag and allow producers a chance to mix, mingle and exchange ideas.

We hope to see you at Stoneleigh this autumn and make a date in your diary now for Cereals 2002 – June 12/13 at Grange Farm, North Rauceby, Sleaford, Lincolnshire.

David Storrar

Director of Exhibitions, Royal Agricultural Society of England.

Planning for Cereals 2002 are (l-r) hosts Mark and James Ireland, Bruce Clark of sponsor Lloyds TSB and Glenn Wrigley of the RASE.

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