Pelleted lime wont go soft

2 February 2001

Pelleted lime wont go soft

A NEW pelleted form of lime which does not absorb water from the air and go soft in spreaders has been introduced by Crop Fertility of Ross-on-Wye.

Unlike imported granulated lime, the new product is not hygroscopic, says the firms Chris Nicholl.

The 2-5mm pellets contain less than 1.5% moisture and have a neutralising value of 52. They are made from finely ground lime, 90-99% of which will pass through a 0.15mm sieve before processing.

Pelleted lime offers several advantages, says Mr Nicholl:

lApplied through fertiliser spreaders.

lGoes on at any time of year.

lNo contractor or haulage problems.

lBare ground or growing crops.

lSpot treatments at any time.

lLower application rate than ground limestone.

Marketing will be through Allied Grain in England and Wales and through Francis Flower Division in Scotland. Depending on volume price is about £98/t delivered in 500kg bags, says Mr Nicholl.

Soil Association approval for organic use is being sought. &#42

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