Pig prices defy Euro slide

By Peter Crichton

DESPITE the fall of the Euro from its launch price of 71p to around 57p today, domestic pig prices have swum against the currency tide.

Futures markets continue to reflect very firm sentiment and most of the major EU pig production centres are expected to see a sellers market in the weeks ahead.

Dutch AEX futures quotes are all in the 84-87p/kg dw range, which is good news for UK producers trading a lighter and potentially more valuable pig.

In spite of three “short” Easter weeks, UK pig prices have remained stable. Although some spot buyers have chopped a penny or two off this weeks bids, contract demand has been firm.

The UK AESA for the week ending 06 May rose by 0.4p/kg to hit 94.14p. It is almost 26 months since this level was last reached.

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