Police no-go plea over N Yorks cull

21 May 2001

Police no-go plea over N Yorks cull

By FWi staff

POLICE have issued a no-go plea while a culling operation takes place in North Yorkshire, following fresh foot-and-mouth outbreaks.

Four new cases were confirmed over the weekend in the Settle area, bringing the total to 15 in just 10 days. Four cases were confirmed on Sunday (20 May) alone.

A police spokesman said slaughtering and carcass removal was likely to lead to road disruption and closure and urged motorists to avoid the area.

Over the weekend Chief Veterinary Officer Jim Scudamore said the situation was causing great concern and warned producers in the area to be vigilant.

He said: The outbreak has developed rapidly and the situation we face, with farmers having land over a wide area, means that even greater care is needed.

Existing controls, under which all susceptible animals on infected premises must be killed within 24 hours of the initial report, would be enforced.

Mr Scudamore confirmed that all animals, including cattle, would be culled on neighbouring premises.

The nature of the local farming practices means there can be as many as 16 contiguous premises to each infected premises, he said.

A total of 1621 cases of foot-and-mouth have been confirmed in the UK, including 6 new cases on Sunday.

To date 2,952,000 animals have been slaughtered, of which 28,000 remain to be disposed of. Some 78,000 animals are awaiting slaughter.

Some 462,000 cattle, 2,370,000 sheep, 118,000 pigs, and 2,000 goats have been slaughtered.

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