Portable stock ark said to be biggest

5 January 2001

Portable stock ark said to be biggest

ITS here – the worlds largest portable livestock ark, says Cosikennel, makers of the Jumbo Ark.

Measuring 4.88m (16ft) wide, 6.93m (22ft 9in) long with a centre height of 2.6m (8ft 6in), the arks floor area is 33.82sq m (364sq ft), which is said to be suitable for 23 sows.

But with external and internal modifications the ark can be made suitable for all forms of livestock.

Movement is easy with modern forklift machines and is ideal for use on farms with wide gateways, says the company.

Plain galvanised arks cost £664 and green-painted £748 (01842-754061, fax 01842-764143).

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